Activation Toolkit PDFs
These documents provide additional background information, ideas, helpful tips and resources to get you started with whatever type of involvement makes you the most excited. We can’t wait to see what you do.

#ZRW Background Information


Public Speaking

Event Planning

Mental Health Resources
Media Downloads
We Matter
Pillars of the Campaign

Join The Movement Poster

Join The Movement Poster
Social Media Influencer Kit

Social Media Influencer Kit

Social Media Graphics

ZRW Educational Content
Posts (25 total)
Posts (25 total)

Narrative Playbook
For more information about the campaign’s history, structure and activities, download the #ZeroReasonsWhy Playbook, a robust 100+ page guide that includes the history and strategy behind the campaign, as well as practical resources and activities to help start the movement in other communities.
Give away free stuff.
Order swag to distribute in your school or popular locations in your community. Click below to request wristbands, stickers and more and get started spreading the word.